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"Effective Organizational Design is the primary and essential key to sales performance, personnel productivity, employee satisfaction, and dealership profitability."                                                          Garry House

Garry House & Associates Co. has had significant experience, particularly with multi-location dealer groups, in developing effective departmental organization plans. The strategic planning process for organizational modeling begins with 1) recognizing where you are today and then 2) applying a realistic and meaningful growth plan. The 3rd step in the process is to apply target performance metrics to establish positional headcounts, followed by 4) setting up positional compensation budgets utilizing industry guidelines. The 5th and final step is to evaluate the average positional payouts (determined by steps 3 and 4) against the average positional compensation in your specific market area.


Modeling Your

Service Department

The PDF file to the right displays a sample of an excerpt from an Excel application to assist in Gross Profit Planning and Organizational Design which Garry developed when he was with NCM Associates.

Let Garry House help you Get Your Organization Straight ! We're certain that he can help you more effectively deal with your challenges. Call us by referring to the "Contact Us" Tab beneath the Connect with Garry button on the main menu. You'll be glad you did! There will be no charge for our initial conference. Remember, GH&A always provides Value First!


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